
Consumption of acidic foods and beverages

What are the acidic foods that affect our teeth?

Acidic foods are meat, cheese, flour, cereals, alcohol, refined, coffee and artificial sweeteners. All carbonated beverages, as well as fruit juices in large quantities, contain acids causing tooth decay. Sour foods and fruits can also cause tooth enamel wear. Green tea (unlike black) is very acidic and diet drinks are more corrosive than those that contain sugar. People with stomach disorders, who often vomit, tend to have eroded teeth as stomach acids can cause tooth decay.

To prevent tooth decay

  • Avoid frequent consumption of sour foods and drinks that contain acids during the day.
  • We limit the intake of sour foods and drinks only during meals.
  • If we use the above, we do not keep them in the mouth for long.
  • Between meals we consume mainly water or other safe drinks without sugar or acids.
  • We mainly consume fruits that do not contain acids and vegetables that belong to the category of safe food for the teeth.
  • We take care of the hygiene of our teeth by brushing them at least 2 times a day and always with fluoride toothpaste.